Hi again I went to check the CMS2021, and discovered that Salem Kieran Turbo had been repaired. Your suggestion is valid and is there for anyone who prefers it. Yes, i don't like not having a hood on it, and new modded cars in game too. This way, if I find them in junkyard (or wherever) they're already equipped how I like them. And, I give them rims / tires and size preferences. which requires some re-alignments of parts. I tend to jack up the rear suspension a bit on a lot of them. This is actually something I do with every car in-game that I like to have in my collection. You can also find your new version of the car in 'Car Editor' in the drop down list for the car and modify alignments and any other changes you might prefer. It'll completely skip those Config2 and bodyconfig2 files. This way, if you ever have to use Steam's 'Verify files' check, it won't overwrite your changes. Then add in Config2.txt under section Īnd change it from 'FWD Turbo' to whatever you want to call it.
Originally posted by Mardoin69:I guess you're recommending this cuz you don't like not having a hood on it, right? I'd suggest making a new (copying config1.txt and bodyconfig1.txt) Config2.txt and Bodyconfig2.txt.